Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Harry Benjamin Syndrome Movement.

I want to post this as this is a comment I made to a thead to and aobut the Harry Benjamin Syndrome movement (or HBSm as it will be here on aout labled)

I made this post in response to some confusion I had at the time about the HBS movement, and I wanted to post it here as it represents my revalations about who they are and what they do.

"Whoa, I think I just got it.

They think that all people who are actualy transexual are intersexxed.
As a biological condition.

So therefor if someone is not then they are just a Fetishist?
Like "I have an actual, real physiological problem, and you are just perverted."
So they think that GID doesn't exist, because for them, their "gender disphoria" is caused by biological means.
A "birth defect" or somthing like that.

So that anyone who says that their "gender" is not in allignment with thier body is either wrong, or, is a intersexxed HBS transexual and needs to be treated with GRS.


So they think the whole idea of things like "gender being sepperate from sex" is false.


That's pretty heavy.
So they think the entire "t" movement, and the GLBTQ stuff is a perversion and false.

Oh my God.

I'm having trouble swallowing this one.

I need a minute.."

That pretty much sums it up.

These are people working against our rights.
Bring them with a
Full broadside.